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brainstorm blog #1

While I am not entirely sure what I would like to do with my project since it is so random and has many different outcomes, I know that I would like to have a combination of creepy/cute. So far I have been implementing some prompts into AI that I thought may output the results I was looking for such as, "animal crossing horror, animal crossing scary, animal crossing horror game" and many others. I am mainly using animal crossing because to is closer to the style I would like, with the 3d cartoon, but I think the character design also has good potential to be scary or unsettling if its made in the right way. I also am considering some other cartoon shows or games that may give me more of this as well as other random keywords. Here is some examples of pictures that have already been output to me (which you have probably seen some already in my pop quizzes) I have mainly been using dall-e, but I will try to use some others as well because while I like some of these, I think there could be some very different and more interesting results based off of what string of data each ai is being fed.

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