The Oubli is a rare species that usually group themselves into trios. They are native to decidous forest areas and usually take residence in hollowed trees or other dark locations. They are known to be noctournal and usually are not seen before midnight. Because they are noctournal, instead of getting their energy from plants or animals, they use moonlight as their main form of sustinace. If they see other creatures they will try their best to hide in the shadows to keep the secrecy of their dens and their existence. This leads them to live very long and healthy lives where they are not often found and can live frolicing in the moonlight.
For me, this project was super fun, and I definitely would like to spend more time in blender figuring out more tools and techniques to further my knowledge on the program. I ran into some issues in my personal life that led me to maybe not obtain the level of difficulty I wanted to achieve, but I still am very happy with the end product and I hope that I can continue to improve.